
Dave Slusher

4 minute read

Orlando IntegrationHub Changes The Orlando release has been in Early Availability for weeks and GA is right around the corner. I previously covered the Flow Designer changes in Orlando and in this post I will do the same for IntegrationHub. Dynamic Outputs New York introduced Dynamic Inputs and now with Orlando we have Dynamic Outputs. These allow developers to define the data structure of a complex object programmatically and then use that as the output of an action.

Dave Slusher

4 minute read

Spoketoberfest is wrapping up. Some of you earned your shirt from Digital Ocean (I did this year). Some of you will continue to work on your Spoke to achieve publishabilty after the month has ended. Once you reach the point of feeling ready to publish your Spoke to Share, what then? In this post, I will walk through the steps. Pre-Publishing Checklist The following are some of the lessons digested from the Spoke best practices document

Dave Slusher

3 minute read

In a recent Live Coding Happy Hour we attempted to create some Dynamic Choices and Data Gathering Actions. That effort ran into some technical hurdles during the session but they have been sorted now. There are parts of this that are a little finicky, so I will walk through the necessary pieces. Why Use Dynamic Choices? The use case of this example is a good one for showing the power and necessity of Dynamic Choices.

Dave Slusher

2 minute read

For the past several years, we have piggy-backed on the Digital Ocean event of Hacktoberfest. It started in 2017 when Josh Nerius and I put together a system to allow ServiceNow developers to accept GitHub pull requests. This year, again we are attempting to parasitically attach ourselves to the event but with a twist. Because it is a ServiceNow goal to increase the number of IntegrationHub Spokes in the world, that is what we want to focus on this month.

Dave Slusher

4 minute read

Dynamic Inputs One of the great features in the New York release is the inclusion of Dynamic Inputs. It can be tedious to develop a Flow when it requires a script step to transform data from one form to another. Dynamic Inputs to the rescue! Imagine the case where the inputs to an Action inside of a Flow are based on the data outside of your instance such as creating a record in an external system.

Dave Slusher

4 minute read

As the tour of New York features continues for Early Availability season, we come to one of our favorite features around here - IntegrationHub. Over time as the feature set becomes more robust, more and more of the functionality we create is via IntegrationHub. OpenAPI Support As of New York, there is now support for Open API. For those familiar with the WSDL concept in SOAP, this is much the same type of thing.

Andrew Barnes

1 minute read

Store Releases ServiceNow will now be releasing spokes when they are ready. No longer waiting until the next family release for all feature updates. The first batch of these spokes was released into the wild in early March. While this isn’t a deep dive technical post, it is very relevant to previous and future posts. For example our post and videos about JWT signing Part 1 and Part 2.

Dave Slusher

7 minute read

Flow Designer is a great tool to create business logic, particularly by those outside of traditional development roles: process owners, subject matter experts and the like. However, it is almost certain that sooner or later they will want to create Flows that require Actions that do not exist in the baseline system nor easily available Spokes. So then what? My suggestion is that this is where the traditional developers should step in, by creating Actions for use by those business users who don’t want to get deep in the implementation details.