Flow Designer

Andrew Barnes

2 minute read

Share Spotlight Welcome to the second share spotlight! Every Friday we will be spotlighting a project from the Share site on the Developer Portal. Add to Update Set For the second installment, we are featuring a project called Add to Update Set Utility authored by friend of the Developer Program Ben Hollifield. This project adds a Global UI Action to place items into your current update set that might not normally be saved to an update set.

Dave Slusher

2 minute read

Share Spotlight we are beginning a new feature here on the Developer Blog. Every Friday we will be spotlighting a project from the Share site on the Developer Portal. We dug deep and decided to call this “Share Spotlight”. Show Flow Context For the first installment, we are featuring a project called Show Flow Context authored by friend of the Developer Program Tom Cullen. This project does one thing, which is to add a UI Action to Task based records to show active Flows for that record.

Dave Slusher

4 minute read

It is ServiceNow new release season! With the London release in Early Access, we will cover some of the features newly available to application developers. In this post, I will discuss one very specific topic - new ways in which Flows can be initiated. When originally released in Kingston, there were two ways to start a flow: on change or insert of a record or via a schedule. That has expanded, increasing the flexibility of Flow logic.

Josh Nerius

5 minute read

In New for Developers in Kingston - Flow Designer, Action Designer, IntegrationHub, I touched on the basics of Flow Designer. In this post, I’ll spend some time exploring Flow Designer in more detail. Instead of trying to look at every aspect of Flow Designer in one post (that’d be a long post), I’m going to walk you through the process of creating a simple flow and we’ll touch on many of the core concepts in the process.

Josh Nerius

4 minute read

I’m always excited about every ServiceNow release, but Kingston brings some game changing stuff. This post is a high level overview of three new Kingston features that aren’t just ridiculously cool, they may just change the way you think about development in ServiceNow: Flow Designer, Action Designer and IntegrationHub. Note: for a deeper dive into Flow Designer, see Getting Started with Flow Designer . That intro sounds like click-bait, but I don’t think I’m exaggerating.