Automated Test Framework You have likely heard of the Automated Test Framework (ATF) if you have been working with ServiceNow for more than a couple of months. Introduced in the Istanbul version, it has grown and been enhanced over time to allow for coverage of nearly all client interactions with the Now Platform. Even given that ATF has been present from Istanbul, there are still many existing projects that don’t utilize ATF due to not being available at the start of the project.
If you have followed my work as a developer advocate for ServiceNow at all, you will have noticed that I love automated testing. Even before the original release of the Automated Testing Framework, I presented on testing at Knowledge15. This is really a chunk of the platform close to my heart. This year at Knowledge18, Boris BC
The Istanbul release is here and as we do, here is an overview of some of the changes relevant to ServiceNow developer. This will be relatively brief, but in the coming days and weeks expect many posts digging into all of these aspects in detail. Javascript Debugger With Istanbul the JavaScript debugger has returned to the ServiceNow interface, completely rewritten and better than ever! Once again you can debug and step through server-side JavaScript code.