First off, the next Raleigh/Durham/RTP area meetup will be the evening of Wednesday June 21st at the Avent Ferry Technology Center. Andrew Barnes aka ajbarnes leads this group and will present. I’m not formally scheduled to speak but this is basically my home meetup and I try to attend any I am available for. And I’m always happy to talk about ServiceNow development at the drop of a hat, so if a hat drops there I go.
From there, I will be going to the inaugural event for the new Seattle Developer Meetup group. This will be the evening of Thursday June 22nd in downtown Seattle and is organized by joshharem . I am on the agenda for this one and will be talking about the state of the art of ServiceNow Developer Tools up through and including Jakarta. I am excited to help get this group off the ground. It will be a bit of a lightning trip to town so I won’t have much opportunity to enjoy the city itself but I do enjoy spending time in Seattle.
After making two trips to Orlando this spring, one for a meeting and one for Knowledge17, I am planning on returning again to help inaugurate another new meetup group in Orlando. This group is organized by kevin.eldridge. This meetup will be the evening of Tuesday July 11th at the Code School building on South Street. If you live in or near Orlando or happen to be there that day on travels, come and participate. The more the merrier.
And the last one that I have on my schedule for the summer tour is still pencilled in, but I am hoping to make it to the recently started gauravchoudhury. Their next meetup is soon, June 24th, but we are penciling in another session for Saturday August 12. I am already going to be in the country at that time, so with any luck all the planning will work out to make that possible. Whenever I go to India I am always biased towards doing more events. It helps me amortize the effort of getting there across more things to do, so I am delighted at the prospect of attending this meetup while there.
At the time of this writing, these are the events on my calendar. There may be more, we shall see as they arise. If you check the master Developer Meetup list and don’t see one in your area, then maybe you are the person to host that one! Click the “Learn More” button to send an email to Josh registering your interest in starting up a chapter and he’ll provide you with the help to get things started. Having a healthy ecosystem of Developer Meetups helps everyone involved in this world so we do what we can to aid in that robustness. Thanks to all the organizers for their hard work. I hope to see you at one of these meetings!
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