The teaser is no longer needed. The new site is here! The site has been rebuilt to be streamlined and personalized so you can get the information you are seeking faster, and take the actions you need quicker. In addition to all the existing content, the site has introduced content for developers and designers to leverage the new Now Experience UI Framework and Design System. Most of the site is now built from the ground up with the tools provided in the UI Framework.
Developer Program
Changes are coming to the Developer Site - Don’t Panic! Hello, fellow ServiceNow Developers! Grab your towels and get ready! In a few weeks, you will notice a completely new user experience on the Developer Site. After five years, we figured it was time for an update. We have made considerable changes to the site while maintaining our core values: the site is useful and is easy to use. Once the redesign of the site is launched, we will have a follow-up blog post that walks you through the changes in detail so you can instantly take advantage of the site.
Orlando is Released!! It is that time of the year, new release Early Availability(EA) time. Each EA period is a flurry of activity in the Developer Program. Blogs, Videos, Demos, Slide decks Oh MY! I am always delighted to share and highlight what is new for developers. Below you will find some of those highlights for developers in Orlando. Over the next month or so, you can expect a steady release of deeper dives into the details.
We are pleased to announce a brand new program, ServiceNow Developer MVPs. The MVPs are a collection of ServiceNow community members that are passionate about ServiceNow and share their extensive knowledge freely to help and encourage developers of all skill levels and types. They write blogs, share apps, craft videos, live-stream, contribute to social media, give talks, lead Developer Meetups, answer questions on the community forum and slack all to share and give back to this great community.
New York is Released!! It is that time of the year, new release Early Availability time. It’s my favorite season of the year! New for Developers in New York Studio - JS Beautify, Conditional Breakpoints, Context Menu updates Automated Test Framework - Mutually Exclusive Tests, Create User step, Rollback Browser Flow Designer - Complex data and scripts, Inline Scripts and Editor, Inbound Email Triggers Mobile Studio - for migrating Madrid mobile apps to the New York paradigm Those are just a few of the highlights you will find in the New York ServiceNow release.
Thank you to all who responded to the survey that we conducted from March to April. We appreciate the time, feedback, and insights you provided. The survey results will play a vital role in continuing to shape the Developer Program and Site for not only your needs but the greater ecosystem as well. Below is an infographic of the results followed by a more detailed explanation of each graphic/area. Please share your comments and thoughts below.
Ever since personal developer instances were introduced, the ServiceNow developer community has had a complicated relationship with them. We give them out for free but we don’t have infinite capacity so at points we have run out of them. We introduced hibernation to allow us to fit more on the same set of infrastructure. They do expire after 10 days of disuse, and this continues to happen. However We have introduced a new feature in the program.
Madrid is here! In keeping with our twice a year tradition, we are excited to announce early access for the Madrid release! New for Developers in Madrid Agent Workspace - configurable service desk application interface Automated Test Framework - Smart Suites, Quick Start tests, Parameterized tests Flow Designer - Decision Trees, run as, looping, improved APIs Mobile Studio - for building Applets along with new mobile applications Those are just a few of the highlights you will find in the Madrid ServiceNow release.
London is here! In keeping with our twice a year tradition, it is early access time for the London release! To get your hands on a London instance, you have a few options: If you already have an instance You can upgrade it. From the Developer Portal, click Manage > Instance in the navigation bar. From there, click the Action dropdown and click Upgrade to London.
If you don’t have an instance From the Manage > Instance page, click Request Instance.
We promised we would share the results of the August, 2017 Developer Survey with you and here they are. The insights you have given us are key to the continued success of the Developer Program in providing you with the tools you need to advance your knowledge and help you to achieve your career goals. Your input is helping us to shape the future of this program. Here is an infographic illustrating the results of the developer survey.